Making Choices

A key difference between Focus Solutions and other companies we have used is their ability to focus us on the most important issues and drivers in a unique situation or challenge

Strategy is not complex. But it is hard. It’s hard because fundamentally it’s about being different. Deliberately choosing a set of activities that create a unique mix of value to a defined customer type and thus providing the company with a valuable position that allows it to perform better than competitors – something that doesn’t happen in all companies.

Companies shouldn’t try to be everything to everyone. They have to make different decisions about price, products, quality, customer service, image and geography. These choices create competitive differentiation.

The outcome is knowing the company’s ‘right to win’.

The most effective way to create value for our client is to become their partner. Each and every assignment enables us to go deep inside the company to understand their growth and performance and help them make the right choices about:

Aspiration: what winning looks like to the company, now and in the future.

Participation: the customers the company will serve in defined market spaces.

Competition: the ways the company will choose to create value for its customers, how it will compete and who it will compete with using what dimensions.

Organisation: the ways the company will organise itself to create its unique value-mix, the capabilities that will be developed and the systems required.

Simplicity: the necessary complexities in the operation that create value and need to continue and those that are unnecessary and should be removed or repurposed.

Corporate & Business Unit Strategy

Creating Competitive Differentiation
